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Meet Konata during Heroes Made in Asia

She’s currently working on the Planeta Manga magazine, where she’s published titles like EDO, and she’s currently working on two series at the same time, NEBESTA (with script by Vanesa Final) and KOHVA, written and drawn by Konata, among other projects.

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Cosplay Judge announcement: moemoefever

”I’ve been doing Cosplaying for over 10 years, and I’m representing Finland this year for World Cosplay Summit alongside my partner. I’m a seamstress and a designer by profession and crafting Cosplays from secondhand materials is my favorite thing to do!”

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Cosplay Judge announcement: Pinyamiu

”When I’m judging Cosplay competitions, I focus on the material, seams and fitting. I have been Cosplaying since I was a teenager and even won several Cosplay competitions and represented Finland around the world!”

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