Cosplay Village announcement: LittyTittyCosplay


Meet Cosplayer LittyTittyCosplay in our new Cosplay Village! 

”Hi! LittyTittyCosplay here, but you can call me Litty. I’ve been a cosplayer for 11 years now and hope to inspire others with my work. I haven’t always been confident with my own body, but with Cosplay I can be the best version of myself! Cosplay is an outlet for me to challenge myself in all areas. My greatest skill is visible while using the sewing machine as I make all my cosplays myself! I hope to see a lot of you at my booth in the Cosplay Village!”

Cosplay Workshop | Sewing

At Cosplay sewing you learn everything about the basics of sewing your own Cosplay. Besides using a sewing machine, there are many more things involved in making a costume. Topics such as sewing supplies, drawing and adjusting patterns, recognizing and choosing different types of fabrics, different types of haberdashery, sewing exercises and techniques are discussed. After the workshop you can visit the booth of workshop host LittyTittyCosplay to ask more questions or to try using a sewing machine yourself! With her 11 years of Cosplay experience and fashion tailoring training, she can answer your questions and help with your Cosplay!

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Attention; important notice! There will be no trains running to and from Gorinchem station this coming Sunday

We have just received notification from Prorail that urgent track maintenance is scheduled for this coming Sunday, February 25th. We have engaged in discussions, but unfortunately, the work could not be postponed. We understand that this may cause problems for some of you. As alternative transportation, NS will deploy buses. However, please be aware that this may result in longer travel times.

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