Scott Burns (Bowser) is coming to Heroes Made in Asia!


Scott Burns, a.k.a. Bowser, is coming to Heroes Made in Asia! Nintendo hired Scott as the first English “voice actor” for Bowser in 2002. As a result, he has recently voiced Bowser in several Mario games.

Scott Burns first voice acting experience consisted of trying to make his plastic toy “Fred Flintstone” talk. Lacking the Yabba-Dabba but possessing plenty of Doo, Scott developed his penchant for voice acting and eventually made characters a fixture of his burgeoning morning radio career. When video game graphics technology advanced in the early 1990’s Scott was tapped to provide voices for Seattle area developer Humongous Entertainment, where he became the voice of Fatty Bear as well other characters featured in titles for Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam and Spy Fox.

During this time Burns also played mature characters and monsters for interactive gaming including Monolith’s critically acclaimed, “The Operative: No One Lives Forever” as well as Tron 2.0, Blood II: The Chosen, Police Quest: SWAT 2, TERA and F.E.A.R.2: Project Origin. In 2002, Nintendo hired Scott to provide their first-ever english “speaking” voice for Bowser with the release of “Super Mario Sunshine,” (An action by the way that placed him firmly in the halls of “Hero” with his then 12 year old son, Austin. [Fun Fact: Burns’ daughter Haley was later hired to play Plum in a Mario Golf game!]

Today Scott continues to immerse himself in voiceover, providing characters for radio spots, narrating for corporate entities and even singing if ears are plugged tight enough. His position as Audio Production Manager for a Pacific Northwest Advertising Agency provides even more opportunity to engage his passion for voice work as he casts, directs, records and produces commercials on a daily basis. Scott’s sense of humor is suffered by his lovely wife April…who sometimes wishes he’d enjoy long walks off the pier.

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