Show your moves at Heroes Made in Asia


The Active Heroes area has been created specifically with exercise and movement as its main goal. Take part in different workshops about eastern marital arts like Laido and Kendo, or learn special dance moves during one of the Para Para workshops! You like everything about K-pop? Make sure you stop by the K-pop workshop!

Thanks to Yushinkan we can provide you with an introduction to the classical Japanese sword art Laido and martial art Kendo. Liado is the art of drawing your sword quickly with fluid motions, after which an attack follows. Laido originates from the samurai tradition and is similar to Kendo. Kendo is a martial art which has been created in the 16th century to combine many different techniques.

If swords and martial arts are not your thing, but dancing is…we’ve got you covered!

Deshima Sounds is not only responsible for the party to end the day with on the mainstage, but they will also give two Para Para workshops. Para Para is a Japanese synchronized dance which has a specific set of moves for different songs. Besides the Para Para workshops, dance school K-Motion will also take care of two K-Pop workshops! During these workshops the K-Motion team will teach you a part of the choreography of a K-Pop song!

Last, but not least, cosplayer and influencer Sakuraflor, or Saku, will guide you through the ins and outs of TikTok. How can you make the best video’s with the latest trends, sounds and effects?

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Travel tips for exploring Cambodia’s ancient temples

Angkor Wat, nestled in the heart of Cambodia, is undoubtedly one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the world. These ancient temple complexes bear witness to a rich history and cultural splendor dating back to the Khmer Empire in the 12th century.

RECAP: Heroes Made In Asia 2024

Vol enthousiasme kijken we terug naar Heroes Made in Asia, waar fans uit het hele land samenkwamen om hun passie voor de Aziatische popcultuur te delen. 

Attention; important notice! There will be no trains running to and from Gorinchem station this coming Sunday

We have just received notification from Prorail that urgent track maintenance is scheduled for this coming Sunday, February 25th. We have engaged in discussions, but unfortunately, the work could not be postponed. We understand that this may cause problems for some of you. As alternative transportation, NS will deploy buses. However, please be aware that this may result in longer travel times.

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